

The P1600 and P1800 represent the industry standard in camera poles. They are rugged, corrosion resistant, and designed to meet common requirements for aesthetics. The P1600 is a heavy duty, 16’ square steel pole designed to accept cameras and housings from a wide variety of manufacturers. It is constructed from 4″ × 4″ × .25″ steel tubing, and comes complete with access panels on top and bottom. A 20″ transformer base is available, raising the pole height to 18’. The 18’ version comes with (P1800) or without (P1800TB) a NEMA box. NEMA box includes terminal strip, 115 transformer, and surge protection. All models are capable of supporting up to 75 lbs.


  • Raises camera 15 feet 
  • Supports up to 75 lbs 
  • Constructed of heavy-gauge steel for maximum stability 
  • Durable powder coat finish
  • Solid construction; designed to reduce or eliminate vibration from strong wind loads up to 170 mph.
  • Optional NEMA box includes terminal strip, 115 transformer and surge protection



  • Lightning Rod for Free-standing poles


  • Galvanized Anchoring Jig (recommended for each pole ordered)


  • Dual illuminator bracket (IR not included)


  • Pole mount for two dome installation (Gooseneck bracket(s)
    not included)

MPT-50 Camera System

Mercury Camera System