MPT Software Development Kit


Quickset pan-tilts are designed for high-performance control with low-latency and jitter and high command rates.

There are multiple ways to control the units. Quickset pan-tilts support both a binary form of the commands documented in Quickset PTZ protocol manual and a binary form of the PELCO-D commands documented in PELCO-D protocol manual.

Quickset PTZ protocol is supported by a portable C++ language library (MPT-SDK). The MPT-SDK is provided as a complied library and source code for a sample application showing how to use the SDK library. It allows users to create applications to send commands to the pan-tilt over serial or Ethernet interfaces seamlessly.


  • Supports Serial and Ethernet communication.
  • Portable C++ complied library
  • Sample command line application included in package
  • Extensive documentation
  • Available for all MPT series products

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Quickset MPT-SDK Inquiry Form

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